Dizziness & Vertigo
Dizziness can be caused by several different pathologies and usually results in a feeling of unsteadiness, which may lead to a loss of balance. Some of the most common causes of dizziness are:
Cervicogenic (dysfunction of joints and muscles in the upper part of the neck)
Inner ear problems (i.e. vertigo)
Motion sickness
Vertigo is described as a sensation of the environment (i.e. the room) spinning around you. Vertigo and its associated symptoms are due to a dysfunction of the vestibular system in the inner ear. The most common cause is Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV). Other cases may result from various medical conditions (i.e. Meniere’s disease). Moving the head, changing positions and turning while lying down often worsen vertigo. Although vertigo is a type of dizziness, not all dizziness can be classified as vertigo.
Your hour-long assessment will allow your physiotherapist to get a comprehensive history of your dizziness and perform some specific assessment techniques to determine the root cause. If it is determined that your dizziness is the result of an inner ear dysfunction or is cervicogenic in nature, physiotherapy treatment should be effective in alleviating your symptoms.
What are the common signs & symptoms?
Sensation of spinning, tilting, rocking or falling;
Vomiting or nausea;
Difficulty standing or walking;
Abnormal eye movements.
How can physiotherapy help?
Epley’s Maneuver is used for a specific type of vertigo called BPPV, which is caused by tiny calcium crystals dislodging in the inner ear and brushing against nerves that control balance. When this happens, the wrong signals are sent to the brain, causing disorientation and vertigo.
Epley's Maneuver involves four separate head movements designed to use gravity to move the crystals back to a place where they will no longer cause symptoms.
Education about activities and movements to avoid.
Exercise to re-train the vestibular (balance) system.
60 min Initial Assessment - $150
30 min Follow-up Session - $85