Concussion Management
A concussion is a traumatic brain injury that alters the way your brain functions. Although a blow to the head usually causes concussions, they can also occur when the head and upper body are violently shaken. These injuries can cause a loss of consciousness, but most concussions do not. Because of this, some people have concussions but do not realize it. Concussions are common, particularly if you play a contact sport, such as hockey. This injury needs time and rest to heal properly.
What are the most common symptoms?
Neck pain
Blurred vision
Sensitivity to light or noise
Difficulty concentrating or remembering
Lack of energy
Feeling more emotional or irritable
How can Physiotherapy help?
The majority of concussions will fully resolve within the first month of injury.
Physiotherapists have a role in the treatment of some post-concussive symptoms and can provide guidance regarding safe return to sport or activity.
These treatments include:
Manual (hands-on) therapy to improve neck mobility;
Vestibular (balance) rehabilitation;
Safe exercise progression and return to play/activity.
60 min Initial Assessment - $150
30 min Follow-up Session - $85